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Privacy, Copyright & Disclaimer's April 15, 2003 Monthly Newsletter

Happy Tax Day from, now 783 wineries strong!

I gave up alcohol for lent and thankfully, Easter is just days away. I plan to celebrate with a 1979 Mondavi Cabernet (that is what I have picked out so far). I got a lot of grief from my wine friends as I missed two tastings in the past month (one a 2000 Bordeaux tasting) and several trade tastings. But I did lose some weight in the process. I really noticed that food doesn't taste as good without wine and I am now a firm believer in wine with food.

And now, on to the show...

May 2003 Wine Releases

Till next month!

Neil Monnens


A B O U T : This is the monthly Email published on the 15th of every month by listing wine releases for the next month.

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Defy the law of supply and demand

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